College transfer credits made easy
We’ve helped students like you earn their degree faster by accepting college credits from over 5,000 accredited institutions. In most cases we can request your transcripts for you – at no cost to you.
We’ve helped students like you earn their degree faster by accepting college credits from over 5,000 accredited institutions. In most cases we can request your transcripts for you – at no cost to you.

Get a FREE preliminary evaluation of your transfer credits
Let's have a quick chat about how your eligible transfer credits could help you earn your degree faster and for less.
Good news — there's no obligation to enroll.

How to transfer credits between colleges

1. Collect
Collect a list of schools where you’ve completed courses.

2. Apply
Submit your University of Phoenix online application.

3. Complete
Complete your transcript request form, for evaluation, with your application.
Current students should speak with an academic advisor about applying potential savings for your education plan.

Search for your prior schools
Use the tool below to discover if other students transferred credits from one of your prior schools.

Why transfer to University of Phoenix?
We will request your transcripts on your behalf, however some institutions may require you to request your transcripts directly. Call 1-844-937-8679 to speak to an enrollment representative.
Bachelor program: 120 credits

What is the difference between courses and credits?
College credits are earned after successful completion of a course. These credits may then be applied as college transfer credits to your current program if a previously completed course fulfills your current program requirements.
Total credits required (Bachelor’s): 120 credits
Course name: English Composition I
Applied transfer credits: 3 credits
Questions other students are asking

We can help you get started
Chat with an experienced advisor who can guide you through tuition, financial aid, scholarships, transfer credits and more.

How to check if credits transfer
The best option is to call and speak with an enrollment representative who can discuss how your credits may transfer.
You can also check out our transfer guides to see how courses will transfer into a University of Phoenix degree program with hundreds of community college transfer agreements.